Publications Thibault DESCHAMPS

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Sevestre, A., Souron, R., Deschamps, T., Sarcher, A., Thubert, T., & Dochez, V. (2024).  Effect of whole-day work on surgical performance during simulated laparoscopic surgery: study protocol for a controlled cross over laboratory trial. Frontiers in Public Health, 12:1423366.

Articles parus /Published papers

Laurin, A., Hardouin, J-B., Pere, M., Fauvre, M., Bottemanne, H., Richieri, R., Brunet, A., Rötharmel, M., El-Hage, W., Bulteau, S., Deschamps, T., & Sauvaget, A (2024). French Validation of the Tonic Immobility Scale in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 8, 4, 100449.

Legrand, A, Blanvillain, G., Deschamps, T., Chapelet, G., Aubret, F., Garrido, L., El Rakwe, M., TORPP Group, Auguet, J-C., Sauvaget, A., TORPP writing group (2024). TORPP - Turtles, One Health Research & Plastic Pollution: A multidisciplinary consortium to evaluate the environmental and health impact of Micro/NanoPlastics (MNPs) pollution. One Health.

Sevestre, A., Dochez, V., Souron, R., Deschamps, T., Winer, N., Thubert, T. (2024). Evaluation Tools for Assessing Autonomy of Surgical Residents in the Operating Room and Factors Influencing Access to Autonomy: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Surgical Education, 81(2), 182-192.

Sarcher, A., Carcreff, L., Moissenet, F., Hug, F., & Deschamps, T. (2024). Consistency of muscle activation signatures across different walking speeds. Gait & Posture, 107, 155-161.

Le Droguene, E., Bulteau, S., Deschamps, T.., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Petitjean, C., Guitteny, M., Laurin, A., & Sauvaget, A. (2023). Dynamics of depressive and psychomotor symptoms during electroconvulsive therapy in older depressive patients: A case series. The Journal of ECT, 39 (4), 255-262.

Forestier, C., de Chanaleilles, M., Bartoletti, R., Cheval, B., Chalabaev, A., & Deschamps, T. (2023). Are trait self-control and self-control resources mediators of relations between executive functions and health behaviors? Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 67, 102410.

Deschamps, T., & Sauvaget, A. (2023). A Call to Immediate Action to Support Management of Long COVID related- Symptoms. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 29(3), 6.

Couturier, C., Rincé, G., Chapelet, G., Berrut, G., Montero-Odasso, M., & Deschamps, T. (2023). Executive dysfunction and effectiveness of physical program in older adults: which association? Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 35, 101-106.

Cubillé, M., Couturier, C., Rincé, G., Deschamps, T., Derkinderen, P. de Decker, L., Berrut, G., & Chapelet, G. (2022). Factors associated with dual-task gait speed improvement after rehabilitation in older patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11, 7443.

Bulteau, S., Laurin, A., Pere, M., Fayet, G., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Deschamps, T., Auffray-Calvier, E. Bukowski, N., Vanelle, J-M., Sébille, V., & Sauvaget, A. (2022). Intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) versus 10-Hz high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to alleviate treatment-resistant unipolar depression: a randomized controlled study (THETA-DEP). Brain Stimulation, 15, 870-880.

Deschamps, T., & Forestier, C. (2022). Citius, Fortius, Altius, Cognitus - Understanding which psychological and cognitive components drive physical activity and exercise benefits in Parkinson Disease. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 19, 227-228.

Rincé, G., Couturier, C., Berrut, G., Dylis, A., Montero-Odasso, M., & Deschamps, T. (2021). Impact of an individual personalised rehabilitation program on mobility performance in older-old people. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 2821-2830.

Pineau, N., Robin, A., Bulteau, S., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Sauvaget, A., & Deschamps, T. (2021). Does transcranial direct current stimulation improve dual-task postural control in young healthy adults? Cognitive Processing, 22, 291-298.

Magnard, J., Berrut, G., Couturier, C., Cattagni, T., Cornu, C., & Deschamps, T. (2020). Perceptual inhibition is not a specific component of the sensory integration process necessary for a rapid voluntary step initiation in healthy older adults. Journals of Gerontology Series B- Psychological Sciences, 75(9), 1921-1929.

Sauvaget, A., Lagalice, L., Volteau, C., Schirr-Bonnans, S., Pere, M., Dert, C., Rivalland, A., Tessier, F., Lepage, A., Tostivint, A., Deschamps, T., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Robin, A., Pineau, N., Cabelguen, C., Bukowski, N., Guitteny, M., Beslot, A., Simons, L., DISCO investigators group⃰, HUGOPSY psychiatric research network, Vanelle, J-M., D’Urso, G., Bulteau, S., & Riche, V-P. (2020). Cost-utility analysis of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in non-treatment-resistant depression: the DISCO randomised controlled study protocol. BMJ Open, 10:e033376.

Robin, A., Sauvaget, A., Deschamps, T., Bulteau,S., & Thomas-Ollivier, V. (2019). Combined measures of psychomotor and cognitive alterations as a potential hallmark for bipolar depression. Psychiatry Investigation, 16(12):954-957.

Deschamps, T. (2019). Shedding light on a new psychology of movement and exercise. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 4(3):8.

Hug, F., Vogel, C., Tucker, K., Dorel, S., Deschamps, T., Le Carpentier, E., & Lacourpaille, L. (2019). Individuals have unique muscle activation signatures as revealed during gait and pedaling. Journal of Applied Physiology, 127, 1165–1174.

Deschamps, T. (2019). Activité physique et cognition : un débat musclé, des perspectives plaisantes [Physical activity and cognition: A controversial debate with interesting perspectives]. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 11(2), 134-138.

Deschamps, T., & Sauvaget, A. (2019). Improving the appropriateness of depression treatment in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Journal of Nephrology, 32(4), 495-497.

Crouzier, M., Hug, F., Dorel, S., Deschamps, T., Tucker, K., & Lacourpaille, L. (2019). Do individual differences in the distribution of activation between synergist muscles reflect individual strategies? Experimental Brain Research, 237(3), 625-635.

Thibault, S., Hug, F., & Deschamps, T. (2019). The performance fatigability does not impact the inhibitory control. Neuroscience Research, 146, 48-53.

Cattagni, T., Harnie, J., Jubeau, M., Hucteau, E., Couturier, C., Mignardot, J-B., Deschamps, T., Berrut, G., & Cornu, C. (2018). Neural and muscular factors are both involved in the plantar-flexor muscles weakness of older fallers. Experimental Gerontology, 112, 127-134.

Deschamps, T. (2018). The cognitive reserve should be controlled when using neuroimaging to assess relapse in major depressive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(9):973.

Deschamps, T. (2018). Is psychiatry ready to move? Psychiatry Investigation, 15, 3-5.

Deschamps, T., Sauvaget, A., Laforgue, E., Bulteau, S., & Thomas-Ollivier, V. (2018). Dynamics of postural control during rTMS in an adult with major depressive disorder. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 52(3), 291-293.

Magnard, J., Cornu, C., Berrut, G., & Deschamps, T. (2017). Examination of reactive motor responses to Achilles tendon vibrations during an inhibitory stepping reaction time task. Human Movement Science, 56 (Part B), 119-128.

Deschamps, T., Sauvaget, A., Bulteau, S., & Thomas-Ollivier, V. (2017). The psychomotor retardation, a marker of response to rTMS treatment in depressed patients? Neuropsychiatry, 7(5), 747-749.

Magnard, J., Berrut, G., Cornu, C., & Deschamps, T. (2017). Can methodological considerations challenge the dissociation of the perceptual and motor inhibitory processes? Experimental Psychology, 64, 413-421.

Thomas-Ollivier, V., Foyer, E., Bulteau, S., Pichot, A., Valrivière,P., Sauvaget,A., & Deschamps T. (2017). Cognitive component of psychomotor retardation in depression: Is verbal fluencya relevant marker? Impact of repetitive transcranial stimulation. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 71, 612-623.

Cattagni, T., Hug, F., Cornu, C., & Deschamps, T. (2017). Are muscle weakness and falls status really correlated in physically active women? A comment to Crozara et al. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 24(1):67-77, 2016. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 25, 223-224. (Letter to editor)

Daviaux, Y., Deschamps, T., & Cornu, C. (2017). Changes in elbow joint's musculo-articular mechanical properties do not alter reaching-related action-perception coupling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(4), 819-832.

Bulteau, S., Sébille, V., Fayet, G., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Deschamps, T., Bonnin-Rivalland, A., Laforgue, E., Pichot, A., Valrivière, P., Auffray-Calvier, E., Fortin, J., Pereon, Y., Vanelle, J-M., & Sauvaget, A. (2017). Efficacy of intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation (iTBS) versus 10 Hz High frequency rTMS in treatment-resistant unipolar depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18:17.

Daviaux, Y., Crémoux, S., Tallet, J., Amarantini, D., Cornu, C., & Deschamps, T. (2016). I Can't Reach It! Focus on Theta Sensorimotor Rhythm Toward a Better Understanding of Impaired Action-Perception Coupling. Neuroscience, 339, 32-46.

Deschamps, T., Sauvaget, A., Pichon, A., Valrivière, P., Maroulidès, M., Bois, A., Bulteau, S. & Thomas-Ollivier, V. (2016). Posture-cognitive dual-tasking: a relevant marker of depression-related psychomotor retardation. An illustration of the positive impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 83, 86-93.

Vachon, H., Fortes-Bourbousson, M., Deschamps, T., Doron, J., Bulteau S., Sauvaget, A., Thomas-Ollivier, V. (2016). Repeated self-evaluations may involve familiarization: An exploratory study related to Ecological Momentary Assessment designs in patients with major depressive disorder. Psychiatry Research, 245, 99-104.

Deschamps, T. (2016). Let's programme exercise during haemodialysis (intradialytic exercise) into the care plan for patients, regardless of age! British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50, 1537-1538.

Deschamps, T., Magnard, J., Jubeau, M., Hug, F., & Tucker, K. (2016). Altered Force-Generating Capacity Is Well Perceived Regardless of the Pain Presence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1363-1371.

Hristea D., Deschamps T.*, Paris, A., Lefrançois, G., Collet, V., Savoiu, C., Ozenne, S., Coupel, S., Testa, A., & Magnard, J. (2016) Combining Intra-dialytic Exercise and Nutritional Supplementation in Malnourished Older Hemodialysis Patients: Towards Better Quality of Life and Autonomy. Results from the Pilot Randomized ACTINUT Trial. Nephrology, 21, 785-790. (* 1er co-auteur)

Deschamps, T., Le Goff, C., Berrut, G., Cornu, C., & Mignardot, J-B (2016). A decision model to predict the risk of the first fall onset. Experimental Gerontology, 81, 51-55.

Thomas-Ollivier, V., Deschamps, T.*, Bulteau, S., Le Gall, F., Pichot, A., Valrivière, P., Vachon, H., & Sauvaget, A. (2016). Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Psychomotor Retardation in Major Depression: A Pilot Feasibility Study. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 28(1), 62-65. (* 1er co-auteur)

Daviaux, Y., Crémoux, S., Tallet, J., Amarantini, D., Cornu, C., & Deschamps, T. (2016). An enhanced experimental procedure to rationalize on the impairment of perception of action capabilities. Psychological Research, 80, 224-234.

Deschamps, T., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Sauvaget, A., Bulteau S., Fortes-Bourbousson, M., & Vachon, H. (2015). Balance characteristics in patients with major depression after a two-month walking exercise program: A pilot study. Gait & Posture, 42, 590-593.

Mignardot, J-B., Deschamps, T., Le Goff, C., Roumier, F-X., Duclay, J., Martin, A., Sixt, M., Pousson, M. & Cornu, C. (2015). Neuromuscular electrical stimulation leads to physiological gains enhancing postural balance in the pre-frail elderly. Physiological Reports, 3 (7), e12471.

Magnard, J., Lardy, J., Testa, A., Hristea, D., & Deschamps, T. (2015). The Effect of hemodialysis session on postural strategies in older end stage renal disease patients. Hemodialysis International, 19, 553-561.

Magnard, J., Hristea, D., Lefrançois, G., Testa, A., Paris, A., & Deschamps, T. (2014). Implicit postural control strategies in older hemodialysis patients: an objective hallmark feature for clinical balance assessment. Gait & Posture, 40, 723-726.

Mignardot, J-B., Beauchet, O., Annweiler, C., Cornu, C. & Deschamps, T. (2014). Postural sway, falls and cognitive status: a cross-sectional study among older adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 41(2), 431-439. [pdf]

Daviaux, Y., Mignardot, J-B., C., Cornu, C. & Deschamps, T. (2014). The effects of total sleep deprivation on the perception of action capabilities. Experimental Brain Research, 232 (7) 2243-2253. [pdf]

Deschamps, T., Hug, F., Hodges, P., & Tucker, K. (2014). Influence of experimental pain on the perception of action capabilities and performance of a maximal single leg hop. The Journal of Pain, 15, 271.e1-271.e7 [pdf]

Deschamps, T.
, Beauchet, O., Annweiler, C., Cornu, C., & Mignardot, J-B (2014). Postural control and cognitive decline in older adults: position versus velocity implicit motor strategy. Gait & Posture, 39, 628-630. [pdf]

Mignardot, J-B., Deschamps, T., Barrey, E., Auvinet, B., Berrut, G., Cornu, C., Constans, T., & De Decker, L. (2014). Gait disturbances as specific predictive markers of the first fall onset in elderly people: A two-year prospective observational study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6:22. [pdf]

Bourbousson, J., Deschamps, T., Travassos, B. (2014). From players to teams: Towards a multi-level approach of game constraints in team sports. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9(6).

Nourrit-Lucas, D., Zelic, G., Deschamps, T., Hilpron, M., & Delignières, D. (2013). Persistent coordination patterns in a complex task after 10 years delay: Subtitle: How validate the old saying "once you have learned how to ride a bicycle, you never forget!" Human Movement Science, 32, 1365-1378. [pdf]

Magnard, J., Deschamps, T., Cornu, C., Paris, A., & Hristea, D. (2013). Effects of a six-month intradialytic physical ACTIvity program and adequate NUTritional support on protein-energy wasting, physical functioning and quality of life in chronic hemodialysis patients: ACTINUT study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Nephrology, 14:259. [pdf]

Deschamps, T.
, Magnard, J., & Cornu, C. (2013). Postural control as a function of time of day: Influence of a prior strenuous running exercise or demanding sustained-attention-task. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 10:26 [pdf]

Deschamps, T.
, Murian, A., & Hug, F. (2011). Reciprocal aiming precision and central adaptations as a function of mechanical constraints. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21, 968-973. [pdf]

Murian, A., Deschamps, T., Bourbousson, J.,& Temprado, J-J. (2008). Influence of an exhausting muscle exercise on bimanual coordination stability and attentional demands. Neuroscience Letters, 432, 64-68. [pdf]

Murian, A., Deschamps, T., & Temprado, J-J. (2008). Effects of force production and trial duration on bimanual performance and attentional demands in rhythmic coordination task. Motor Control, 12, 21-37. [pdf]

Murian, A., Deschamps, T., & Bardy, B. (2007). A temporal limit for the influence of volition on stability of rhythmic bimanual coordination. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 38, 321-336.

Murian, A., & Deschamps, T. (2007). Neuromuscular constraints affect movement precision in a reciprocal aiming task: previous muscle activity and load effect. In N. Gantchev (Ed.), From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery V (pp. 130-138). Sofia: Academic Publishing House.

Deschamps, T., Nourrit, D., Caillou, N., & Delignières, D. (2004). Influence of a stressing constraint on stiffness and damping functions of ski simulator's platform motion. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2, 867-874. [pdf]

Nourrit, D., Delignières, D., Caillou, N., Deschamps, T., & Lauriot, B. (2003) On discontinuities in motor learning: A longitudinal study of complex skill acquisition on a ski-simulator. Journal of Motor Behavior, 35, 151-170.

Delignières, D., Deschamps, T., Legros, A., & Caillou, N. (2003). A methodological note on non-linear time series analysis: Is Collins and De Luca (1993)'s open- and closed-loop model a statistical artifact? Journal of Motor Behavior, 35, 86-96.

Caillou, N., Nourrit, D., Deschamps, T., Lauriot, B., & Delignières, D. (2002). Overcoming spontaneous patterns of coordination during the acquisition of a complex balancing task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56, 284-294.[pdf]

Nourrit, D., Deschamps, T., Lauriot, B., Caillou, N., & Delignières, D. (2000). The effects of required amplitude and practice on frequency stability and efficiency in a cyclical task. Journal of Sport Sciences, 18, 201-212. [pdf]

Deschamps T., Lauriot B., Nourrit D., Caillou N., et Delignières D. (2000). Effet de la force de l'intention sur la variabilité des patterns spontanés d'une tâche de coordination bimanuelle. Science et Motricité, 41, 28-32.

Delignières, D., Nourrit, D., Deschamps, T., Lauriot, B., & Caillou, N. (1999). Effects of practise and tasks constraints on stiffness and friction functions in biological movements. Human Movement Science, 18, 769-793. [pdf]
Mis à jour le 14 novembre 2024.